Rolling Hills Citizens Association

Annual Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2023



Executive Board Meeting.

Date: Saturday, April 22, 2023

Convened: 11:30 a.m.

Adjourned: 1:00 p.m.

Approximate Time


Call to order: An Executive Board meeting of the Rolling Hills Citizens Association held on Saturday, April 22, 2023. As 4 Board Members present, a quorum declared according to Article IV Section 9 of the By-Laws. The meeting convened at 11:30 a.m.

Board Members in attendance: Barr Kullberg, Mike Estrada, Analisa Woodward, and Ramona Barcena.

Board Members not in attendance: ­­­­Chester Goodale

Your elected Board members are…

  1. Mike Estrada, Vice President.

  2. Analisa Woodward, Treasurer.

  3. Ramona Barcena, Member at Large.

  4. Myself, Barr Kullberg, President.

  5. Chester Goodale, Secretary.




1. Determination of Quorum / Call to Order.

     1a.  Safety notice.  2 doors going outside + exit through back door & then through the classroom.

     2a. Rest Room locations: Womens’ through back door into kitchen area. Men’s Outdoors, a Porta Potty with Hand Washing Water & Paper towels.


2.  Welcome & Thank you

2a. Welcome to everyone to the 2023 Annual Rolling Hills Citizens Association Meeting.

2b. Thank you to Reverend Chumley for the hospitality of using the church for our meeting.

2c. Thank You to Bakman Water for hosting today’s BBQ.


3. Introduction of today’s Guests.

3a. Tim Bakman, President, of The Bakman Water Company & Shay Bakman, V.P.

3b. Chris Reneau, Cal Fires Madera County, Battalion Chief and Station #9 personnel.

3c. Matt Treber, Chief of Development Services.

3d. Tyson Pogue, Madera County Sheriff and Community Service Officer, Carena Valdez.

3e. Jennifer Howes, Neighborhood Watch Area Coordinator.

3f.  Jordan Wamhoff, Madera County District 1 Supervisor.

3f. An elected official who was not able to attend due to scheduling conflicts, Sally Moreno, District Attorney.

4. Thank you to the Volunteers who compose the Rolling Hills Citizens Association Board of Directors.

     4a. Your elected Board members are…

            1. Mike Estrada, Vice President.

            2. Analisa Woodward, Treasurer.

            3. Ramona Barcena, Member at Large.

            4. Myself, Barr Kullberg, President.

            5. Not here today because he is out of town, Chester Goodale our Secretary.

For several years, Chester has been a valuable contributor to both the Board and the residents of Rolling Hills. Chester has decided to take a break from his duties on the Board. Therefore, the position of Secretary will need to be filled from the results of today’s election process.


MIKE’s Introduction of guests:

            4b. There are many individuals who are behind the scenes which support the actions and projects of the Board.

1. Mark Muscato, owner of “a sign shop.” Mark produced today’s announcement signs.

2. The Rotating Work Crew who keep the Center Median on Avenue 10 ½ looking nice. Lead by myself.

3. The Work Crew who recently worked on the cutting and waste removal of the El Capitan Drive Oleanders. They are: Albert Barcena, Dale Drozen, Phyllis &

Jess Walker, and Robert Woodward, …Plus, 4 of your Board Members.

4. A Special Note: “The last time the Oleanders were cut, the Madera County Public Works crew performed the work. They did a great job BUT the cost was approximately $11,500 to the CSA-19 Budget. ***This $11,500 could also have gone to fixing our roads…But Did Not! IT WAS SPENT ON trimming THE OLEANDERS.*** HOWEVER, This year, we saved that expense of $11,500 by the Board actions of Board members & neighbors doing the work instead. Hopefully, the money saved this year can be used to match with Measure T money from the ROAD TAX, thereby doubling the $11,500 to $23,000 to be used for our Rolling Hills Roads.  I think this is a better use of the money…. don’t you?”                

5. “But we are not finished.” Also mentioned was the first year of Photo Contests for the Fall Halloween Season and Christmas Home Decorations. This was created and spearheaded by Ramona Barcena with the assistance of her daughter, Christine Barcena. And, who can forget the Christmas Caroling and Sing-A-Long right here in this church coordinated by Chester Goodale.  A GREAT Time was had by everyone.


BARR speaks again.

4. Approval of Minutes of 2022 Annual Meeting.  Note: Each table has a copy.

Art Hughes motions for approval. Harry Foyter Seconds.

All in Favor-Aye! (Majority). Opposed-None.


ANALISA spoke.

5. Approval of 2022 & 2023 YTD Treasures Reports Analisa Woodward states the Account Balance at the end of 2022 was  $ 8,719.27.

She states the Account Balance Year to Date is $ 8,137.75.

BARR asks for a Motion to approve both of the Account Balances as stated?

Mike Estrada motions for approval. Edith Gustafson seconds.

All in Favor-Aye! (Majority). Opposed-None.



6. RHCA Board Member Elections for 2 seats.

6a. Nominations: 2 seats for a 2-year term.  Barr nominated Ramona Barcena. “She did a great job as Director at Large this last year and spearheaded several projects and is willing to invest another 2 years.” Barr also nominated Jennifer Howes. “Jennifer has laid the ground work for our New Neighborhood Watch Program and has several new ideas for additional fun activities for our Neighbors.” Jennifer and Ramona accepted the nominations.

No additional nominees were given.

6b. Selection of Election Monitors - not required due to only 2 nominated for 2 open positions.

6c. Membership Voted for the 2 nominees.

All in Favor-Aye! (Majority). Opposed-None.

Approval-Passes. Results were Jennifer Howes and Ramona Barcena were elected to serve on the Board for a two-year term.


7. Board Accomplishments since last year’s Annual Meeting.

    7a. Candidates Forum for June Primary Elections.

7b. Freeway 41 “No Parking” signs on the East side.

7c. CalTrans Sound Study.

    7d. Cutting of Oleanders on El Capitan Drive

    7e. Meeting with our New Supervisor Wamhoff, to discuss Rolling Hills Concerns.

    7f.  Meeting with additional Key Madera County personnel to discuss Rolling Hills’ needs.

    7g.  Photo Contests for both Halloween & Christmas.

    7h. Christmas Sing-A-Long.

7i.  Rolling Hills Yard Sale.

    7j.  Quarterly Newsletters.

   7k.  We Need help on redesigning the Rolling Hills Website. “We are Asking for someone to step forward and volunteer to help.”


8. RHCA to sponsor a Neighborhood Watch Program. This year and for years to come, your Board of Directors has adopted the sponsoring of a Rolling Hills Neighborhood Watch Program.  I cannot think of a better way to invest your Dues and protect your Family, Homes and Property than by the establishment of this program. This is for you and your neighbor! “IF YOU SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING!”  Neighborhood Watch is for You…& it Works!”


MIKE continued

9. Comments by our guests is next. Directions were given to Guests: “Please take up to 5 minutes and share your thoughts. After you have finished, we will have time for up to 2 questions from the audience for each guest. Additional questions or comments can be discussed one on one after the meeting is over.”

9a. Tim Bakman, President of The Bakman Water Company and Vice President Shay Bakman: Well #4 is up and running. Arsenic Plant up and running full capacity

Well #2 working on completing all repairs and renovations for 450 GPM. Seeking a Loan for water improvements. This State-funded Grant/Loan will have a 2.1% interest rate and a 30-year plan. A Surcharge will be added to monthly bill. The loan will fund:

-Water Meters being installed, beginning in 2025.

-Installation of meters (no additional fee for meter hook-ups)

-Replace and repair water lines and mains

-Maintain and repair wells

-Safety for area

Question: Art Hughes asked who has rights to use water from hydrants?

Answer: Only fire departments, water companies, or certain businesses are given this authorization.

Question: Dale Drozen asked a question regarding hook-up fees.

Answer:  The surcharge that will be added to customers monthly bill from the State Funded Grant/Loan for repairs, renovations, and meter hooks ups can be considered a hook-up fee.

9b. Chris Reneau, Cal Fires Madera County, Battalion Chief and Station #9 personnel. New station will be on Road 40 and Avenue 12.

9c.  Matt Treber, Chief of Development Services, Madera County No Plans to connect Rolling Hills and River Stone communities. New “No Parking” signs are out along Business 41. Tesoro Viejo will pay for Highway 41 improvements from Avenue 15 to Avenue 12. There will be improvement and upgrades for Highway 41 in 2024/2025.

Question: Speed Signs on Business 41.

Answer:  First, it requires a Traffic Survey.

Question: Can Lanes Bridge and Avenue 10 be changed to a four-way stop?

Answer: (Note: Not really directly answered, BUT it was previously addressed during a previous meeting; plans are to move the entrance to business 41/Rolling Hills off of Children’s Boulevard when the area begins development of the area.)

9d. Jennifer Howes, Neighborhood Watch, Area Coordinator Need Block Captains to relay information.  They will attend 2-meetings per year and drop off information to neighbors. CSO Carena Valdez stated that Neighborhood Watch Signs will be provided by Sheriff’s Department.

  9e. Madera County Sheriff, Tyson Pogue and CSO Carena Valdez. New equipment and new 911 systems are in the works to aid in improving response time and giving priority to emergencies. Deputies are able to listen to live calls. An App is being developed. New less lethal weapons. Overall crime rate is down from previous year. Madera County Homeless Situation is being addressed. Two-Deputies and One Administrator are assigned to the task regarding the Homeless - providing services to them and clean-up of the area. Two homes in the area were investigated for criminal activity and the residence have been taken into custody.

  9f. Jordan Wamhoff, Madera County District 1 Supervisor. Discussed his goals while in office. The next Supervisor Wamhoff Coffee & Conversation, will be next Tuesday, April 25th, 8:30am at the Madera Rancho’s Library. Can call him or email anytime: Office telephone is (559) 662-6010, Cell phone is (559) 507-7823 & email is


RAMONA comments

10. Up Coming Fun Events

10a. Rolling Hills Yard Sale. Last weekend of April.

       1. Saturday, April 29th & Sunday, April 30.

       2. Starting both days at 7:30 AM.

   10b. Halloween Photo Contest, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cash Prizes.

   10c.  Christmas Home Decorations Photo Contest, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cash Prizes.

   10d. Christmas Sing-A-Long (Chester Goodale).


MIKE continues

11. Additional Items of interest.

    11a. The next Supervisor Wamhoff Coffee & Conversation, will be next Tuesday, April 25th, 8:30am at the Madera Rancho’s Library.

   11b.  Mika Flores, his Chief of Staff, will attempt to get the Zoom portion of the meeting working.

     11c.  See her email from on April 4th for the more information.

BARR continues

    10d. Are there any additional questions &/or comments from the audience? Observation was that no one responded with any questions or comments.

11.  It was asked: By a show of hands, how many of you would like to hold our annual meetings here vs. Fire Station #9? Response was the Majority liked the Church as the annual meeting location verses the fire station. Applauses and Big Thank You to the Reverend Chumley for the use of the church’s space. Another round of applause was given to the Bakman’s for another great BBQ lunch.


11a Thank You was given to the Special Guests…

        Tim Bakman, & Shay Bakman, of The Bakman Water Company.

        Chris Reneau, Cal Fire’s Madera County, Battalion Chief and Station #9 personnel. 

        Jennifer Howes, Neighborhood Watch, Area Coordinator.

        Tyson Pogue, Madera County Sheriff

        Community Service Officer Carena Valdez.

        Matt Treber, Chief of Development Services.

        Jordan Wamhoff, Madera County District 1 Supervisor.          


11b. A Thank you was given to the membership for their attendance today. They were reminded, “If you have additional items to discuss and if our Guests have the time,

please visit with them before they leave.”

The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:00 p.m.

Next Board Meeting: TBD


Minutes respectfully submitted by Ramona Barcena, Secretary of the Rolling Hills Citizens Association.